Robots 2005 Pc Game

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. Summary: Robots thrusts players into the role of Rodney Copperbottom, the hero of Twentieth Century Fox's 2005 CG animated feature film, as he sets off on thrilling adventures through the living worlds of the movie. The game incorporates movie assets - including character, graphic and animation Robots thrusts players into the role of Rodney Copperbottom, the hero of Twentieth Century Fox's 2005 CG animated feature film, as he sets off on thrilling adventures through the living worlds of the movie. The game incorporates movie assets - including character, graphic and animation assets - to produce a distinctive impression of playing in the film's universe. The Robots' world is about to be taken over by an evil tyrant and it is up to the player to save his fellow robots from a tragic destiny. Players hop on a train to a mechanical metropolis of moving gears and winding parts, meet an unforgettable cast of characters and battle evil machines - discovering the many ways a robot can turn his parts into cool and unique gadgets. Vivendi Universal.

Robots 2005 Pc Game Download

The glaring flaw with reviews based on games aimed at kids, is that they are written by adult gamers who judge games with an entirely The glaring flaw with reviews based on games aimed at kids, is that they are written by adult gamers who judge games with an entirely different set of values or criteria, often inapproriate or totally disregarding children's mindset. My son loves this game. He is 9 and has played lots of quality titled games, so he can tell good from bad. The graphics are superb. Sharp and detailed and display a nice degree of polish. The controls are responsive and easy to handle. The gameplay is roaming-platforming and nothing new but sometimes kids don't need a great deal of innovation.

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Often adults judge the quality of games to other titles in their genre, but children seldom do. My son is very happy with Robots which is good in my book, because I paid for it! Ed: Thanks for the input, Philip.