Overgrowth Utorrent
Will you ever start building an actual game world? Stop showing us these makeshift alpha levels and updates to negligible little techical aspects. You're advertising this as an action-adventure but this still looks nothing more like a tech demo with some arenas and beat 'em up and platforming mechanics. Stop screwing around with the technical aspects and start building a GAME. First of all, start building an actual game world.
An actual living world. Then add a narrative component, a story.
Add NPCs to interact with and objectives to complete. You have your engine, and you seem to have been stuck at this very stage for years. utilize it already, build a game. This game is probably not ever going to come around.
I know that these guys have worked their heart and soul into this game, but a development cycle this long is just unrealistic to ever be successful as a game studio, indie or AAA. I mean, let's face it, plenty of indie game studios have opened up their games to Early Access and Greenlight and gotten pre-orders and Kickstarters and then they take the money and run or deliver a product that is ridiculously below professional quality. To each his own. Four man team?
You could divide the spoils well.
Hello, this has been reported in Debian as: While attempting to download a purchase from Humble Bundle, which provides.torrent download options, I stumbled across an issue triggered by the torrent file for MiniMetro. Transmission-daemon's directory watch feature failed to load the file with a metadata error.
Attempting to use transmission-show resulted in the same error: 2017-05-07 19:40:24.417 dinosaurpoloclub/MiniMetro-gamma19a-linux.tar.gz: Invalid metadata entry 'path' Error parsing.torrent file 'MiniMetro-gamma19a-linux.tar.gz.torrent' I was able to open the file using the Python library 'bencode', and saw that there was no 'path' metadata entry, and that the torrent was for a single file with the info/name entry 'dinosaurpoloclub/MiniMetro-gamma19a-linux.tar.gz'. Removing 'dinosaurpoloclub/' from that entry was enough to allow the torrent to work. I did a bit of searching, and it looks like having a full path in the info/name entry is valid (although I've never seen it before, bep 3 doesn't seem to prohibit it) It may also be worth noting that the 'dinosaurpoloclub' folder did not exist on my computer + As a clarification - editing the file allowed it to be loaded into transmission successfully. The download could not continue and logged the bug below. If I'm reading the standard correctly, the no-longer-matching hash of the info dictionary caused this.
MiniMetro-gamma19a-linux.tar.gz Tracker error: 'unregistered torrent' (torrent.c:581) + I had also submitted a ticket to Humble Bundle about the torrent file. They tested it with uTorrent and it sounds like it's working there: Hi there! I tested the torrent and was able to download it — I don't have a Linux machine available to test at the time, but what happens when you try to install it?
I successfully torrented the file using uTorrent. Maybe you could give that client a try? You can also download the files directly via the direct downloads button — this game isn't too big, so that might be a good option. I'm happy to look into the torrent file further, but it might take a while to get a solution for you. Hopefully one of my proposed solutions is sufficient for you, but if you need me to look into this further, let me know and I'm happy to do so! -Dan Humble Bundle. Supporting an absolute path in a torrent could easily be seen as a security risk.
Utilities for file transfer (like 'tar', for example), deliberately strip off absolute paths due to the security problems. It would be all to easy to have a torrent overwrite all the files in your home directory or any directory on the system where you have write access. It makes sense to limit a file-transfer util (like transmission) to saving files under 'some' subdirectory.
To give torrents the ability to go out of its configured subdirectory would be a disaster waiting to happen. The original poster states: and that the torrent was for a single file with the info/name entry 'dinosaurpoloclub/MiniMetro-gamma19a-linux.tar.gz' so this particular problem is not about supporting absolute paths, or relative paths and directory traversal security, but about the '/' path element contained in the info/name entry dinosaurpoloclub/MiniMetro-gamma19a-linux.tar.gz This can be dealt with without security issues and without stripping the path entirely by properly recognizing valid path elements.
This has been already discussed quite thoroughly in. If you strip the path, you would have people complaining because of filename collisions. I don't see the harm in adding (on linux, anyway), '.' At the front of the path, so /etc/passwd, would become./etc/passwd - a subdir to be created under the curdir. That said, I'm guessing it's a matter of resources and how often this bug comes up 'in general', while every bug that one reports is impacting the reporter (or they wouldn't have reported it), how many people it impacts is another matter.
Most torrent creation software, I'm guessing strips out absolute path components when the torrent is created, but there are always some creation clients that won't test inputs and allow garbage-in, creating garbage-out.;^/ Am wondering in your case, are the torrents created by humble utilities, or do they just host torrents created by any third party util. If it was the former, you could lobby them to patch up absolute paths to relative, but it sounds like its the latter, which makes it harder to get them to change things - unless you can convince them of how it is a security risk. To do that, you might need to create a torrent that would overwrite some homedir or profile dir file as a proof of concept to convince them, though they still might abdicate responsibility saying it would be some torrent client (µtorrent?) that allows the overwrite that is at fault (i.e. Engage in finger pointing). Almost every security problem is a convergence of multiple effects from different sources that hit some 'edge case'.so finger pointing is not, unfortunately, rare. Looking at the trac issue you mention shows that the path 'dinosaurpoloclub/MiniMetro-gamma19a-linux.tar.gz' did work, but it looks like it was disabled due to problems on the mac(?).
Overgrowth Torrent
I've seen more than one change go into xmission to dumb it down for Mac clients, like extra sleep cycles added during torrent verification so as to not overwhelm the delicate i/o subsystem on a mac. They were reduced from what they were, but 2.92 still has some of them (verify.c#39, ).
What I don't understand is how torrents with multiple levels of subdirs work if paths w/subdirs doesn't work. It's not uncommon to have a top-folder with source material and a subdir with extra docs or images.
So what is different about the torrent you mention? Maybe the subdir has to be 'pre-mentioned' as a dir in the torrent file? Yeah, sounds like the torrent file is ill-formed.
I bet you could recreate the torrent file, adding the metadata element, and it would work correctly. From the error message you got, it complained that 'MiniMetro-gamma19a-linux.tar.gz' didn't match any registered torrent - and it doesn't, as the file was under 'dinosaurpoloclub/'. BTW, it might help if you 'xz' (compressed) posted the torrent file as a sample (the torrent files shouldn't have any personally identifying information, since they get distributed to anyone who wants to download the torrent).
Overgrowth Torrent Pirate Bay
NOTE: please only post a torrent file for free material (i.e. Not for a copyrighted work). Either that or edit the filenames/dirnames to not be recognizable.