Lg Wd-10rfd English Manual
D i rii a 3rs Lou. We are sorry to learn that the Katural History Society, who have their rooms We hear a great deal about the magnificent at the Medical University, lost a large and very charity of the denizens of the Fifth avenue of valuable cate of Mastodon bones, a collection of Sew York, bat if fossil corals and shells, tbree er,ses of miners.' Soma of the finest collections of the kind in tho a UKAOEFCL BBKHYOLBHT ACTIOS country, and other valuabls properties, wbioh so Were desirable, we would not go beyond Loai.-v.ll- e restore.
Time or research can poe-iblin eearoh of heads to plan, cr hands to work out, or of bea- u to fee! The gaatfe del! Of a UxroxTrNaTi Aocukkt. We are sorry to generous action.
It had been known for some learn that a young Mr. Mdler, a member of the time tbat a lady of this city, wbo is as popular in Rassae Fire Company, had his skull fractured musics' circles as the ia pi a rant in the social, by yesterday morning, at the burning of the Medical unforeseen circumstances had been reduced pecu- University, by the fall of a briek from the wall.
Niarily far below her former competency, asd a Dr. Richardson dressed his nouads, and hopes lady friend, who has long been celebrated for no- are entertained that he will reeover. Ble charities aad very naturally, for Tai Matok'a Proclamation To day. It is her, conceived a plan to relieve her unfortunate hoped that the Mayor will issue a proclamation friead from her pecuniary embarrassments. With relative to the insurrectionary habit among this view she announced an amateur musical ea- By these prethrowing snow-ballTuesday the boys, of ertaiament at her own residence, for sents we place him in possession of the infurma-;io- a evening last, placed tickets ia the hands of certain that various unruly urehias oontsmplate an cf her yc ung friends, with instructions to sell them. Open movement of the kind.
'- ' SBavawalaa eame, and so did her iog DiSTiNGUit'HKD Row. We learn that there ci ju apartment of her resi-kl- y filled. Persons of taste, was a serious row at one of oar f'rhionable resenough to be present, info: taurants last evening, aad that ono of the particiur.ont waa of a most deiight-iauce- u, pants waa arrested and placed in jail. We are no one with a scul further informed that Hon. Hsmphrey Marshal', cd of sweet wands ' will be member cf Congress from this district, was in seme the eulogy, when we assure way mixed up in the affair.
F eo:h acknowledged abiiitv 1ST' By reference to our advertising columns, Bauer, Whipple, and other.' , will be seen that Mr.
Edward Holbrook, tobacco eet and stirring songs fron. It of this city, has associated with tributed to the pleasures ot manafactarer him ia the basiceca his son, Edward Holbrook, tain failing upon that picas- ip i jr., who is a young gentleman cf fino busin logramme, the hostess iatro-thronq salifications. Tae stylo of the firm will now be to a most tasteful and in the bids, but which wa- i tidward Holbrook k Son. Oj elaborate table cutlery To Improve thi Falls.
The oopy of a psti-Haj- sj iioate lits. Clearing awaj to Congress, from the citiasns of Hamilton gay aad festive scene wa ooan'y, asking the improvement of navigitiaa at.ohing mazes of the cotillion.he Falls of tho Ohio, is published ia the Ciaoin-aa- ti and the merry dance wa' Gaastte of yesterday. It looks formidable, see small hears ayant th ociag accompanied by eight mortal columns cf ' aames. Efioiary is ' many a suskin o kindness of her friend the The Snow. We had yesterday and last night jratalate her that she eora- r the first good, enow etcrm of the ia comparative aflaonoe.
Our streets are enveloped several inches minds as of to. The snowy fhece, and as we write the merry 90KABLB SJIBsfOR. Liegh-bell- a are jingling matins to the new-bor- n ersally conceded here that year. Of no importance, thoagu EsThe baking powder manufactured by Har-e- y I, for of all the days in the is decidedly not only a desideratum in a pelevoted to festivity, we cuniary view, bat one of the luxuries ci the table of July, the most which is acceptable to all.
Use it once, and you seems to havo taken cannot fail to detect its superiority. Erf; and on that day, youn tSFThe use of quinine in chills ani fever is ire its Toarth of July crack ta New ear's erg-noAt rapidly declinirg. Farr's Acrue Tonic, cr amice Substitute, answers every purpose, without the holy-da- y, or sacred day, evil results of the former. Ty of joiiifieatioo, we cannot t not very luminous oa the tVHarley's Sarjapirilla moots an e we beg leave to cfier our unprecedented demand; criers are daily received from every quarter ef the Union. A great meditica. Christmas is, we of all the German fee-icine that, and no m stake. They have family gather-thei- r RaxiGior Sirvicis.
Our Methcdist friends midst the ' Christmas observed their annual custom of keeping watch with presents for ycuug and to tbo close cf the year last night i a many of tho; Uttle one ia frocks to the churches cf the city. Re who sees four generations ' meet lor anion ana sym- Assault. Perry was held to bail ads of aTaetion are tin-yesterday by the PoUce Judge, ia the sum of fiO, childhood to old age the? 10 appear and aaswer to a charge cf assault apon with a love whioh our W. Never ean feel.
Charles Singer, of Sad Evsnt an evergreen, and perhar beautiful of all evergreen?, Evansville, Ind., was drowned in that city, on the ought it about that days of 29th, by breaking through the ico upon which he AM'AM fill 1, Borrow. Tatpmi operatiorij ia Dmmt JRBVIEW OT Tnt Omcic nun Lonsvfj t Fact and Fancy. Will not be degree of pride in the )once?at, for we thick they are tf their kind; asd we have bo aBWritio patrons, who hare faithfully by them daring the pett like high arpreeiation of them. Oome high to onr carriers; ses v: that consideration, ue y cere most exquisite poem, from the pen of i aished poet-artis- t, W. Of the aarcBon ca the Harp of a uLUi-ufc- l tart, h. Tmctive i ir-r!M if Ro ut.
J (hp ana iftr.;etc.- t fee h i his dry.' If we, like the Ger-t t a family anion, there i made to the manner t ow the s&credaess t peading it which 1 e day of Christ's Nativity, troop of jovial fellows, who tse, where there is the and gorge them-id- s and egg-noWe should ' swotiatsS of thoo 'JTI yrarer aad offer their ho- f the World. It is hard to oms. Merry Christmas' i fti e.ing, az.1?: let: be e worship of our lord to which our imaginations, he futur?, nils with all ed upon us and our egg-no- g ani our etdayof the New Year, ends and all the world in d fellowship for time to i the past, and cast a few the ground we have good we have done is not 1 by oar derelictions frcn. I: weeeei.il tre eecoaaU, let us make ft. Lore shall know as a i quite a fresh feeling in t la company with the presents the New Year, enodicuoa of her snv.Ie; us throw aside all Let as smoke r foes and s wear eternal tordicg Angel, wbo ha: i the page whereon are and our heart's hard pure promise of lnturo her to cleanse the dark bright dawn of the New oodness. Let as shake and wish ail creation a enter-rais- e.he fair ones wi the goblet crowned tff-:- r that respect and a to woman.
Having thus leave to propose the day it wave ' B XBW The seasons came ar. Gnt Sprint;, r, ud thec:l. Doing of tae graia, n liiery m an, r-chroioleA. Ew green leaf, tb seta e hare drunk n '.' .d in tb- i shade we have pluck'd usher - nrndirg tree, it wander.ngs i from the a u. Leaves we hive stt 'id rrj j'&d ie, t hili; sheaf, d!'
Tit H whosthana ani hollo d cut '.ani doth keep I the k- f s sjhSab SaSid U ia aaad to sVewe; that j ar. Ar sssjse jr- l r: pr. Gre ask baa imi v e for alavea, si heal tsawrsssrs, aad i. Thsst eiaws a pwravtas haa haai aliday for the psr.c ef seven days, fj aioeiac bt ever, wad they act a fheer dntdwi r a The ssetr arranft and riai SSTsjsSl aad sj Lestiagtoa Railroad Tbe goee issta asTte to-dioc, aSjsajsajv sraia raANasBUwrke LssaiaviUe - Warttmjpisaa igra, e5 CllftlMKATI, ja- M. Bales lave been made at JO fcr superfine. Provisions Ia market for frovisions remain ua- ksaafesL Qrin The market 'or wheat's in good demand a; II I3C1 U fcr red acl $1 lafcrwhlie. Oats steady bt 4tX'v45c.
Oroceries Market unchansat. Whisky Unchanged. Brisk at Other articlee are Flour 1SS5 Niw Toex.Dee. Btoeks are firm; d CunsK-rlirt exebsoee dull.
Flour I be marktt f.- tituais Rterlla bb's. Grain UuU, with Forr-if- S.300 Market. I Liverpool, Iee U. CottO' dales of cottot fef the two davs endlDg today IS.tOO bale', includisvr M 0 on speculation act f r export.
Prices firm, biit j Jotalious uadbnged. Tne m aravat closed stead v ast Grra. Breads effs Kichar',tn, 8p.ree St Co. Quote all de- nea?
Bianeci jrery aun. Scipli'; rt e: 21, flur d, and rare id. Ke 1 het si OdtSSeHl wnt'e wheat H od'As d vte tern canl t! Mr Is vd Us id. Liailimcre and od, Oh; lie MS'SW.
Beef ana' rork very dull:hseon Provisis nod s.iles aniacortant at lsferSj. Nuiet; lard steady, feugar and r.ce fire. Losoos, December la. Money The T endon money market is unhanged.
R quoted t 'l':Z. Th hag-l;aCuusois for money funds remained Ubaffec:ed by the heaviness on the Pari Bcursi-, ui closed oii the risk at a leeewas For.jja sscurties wero steady.
Fren h i per of lor money, a decliue of I cen'.s clnre on the ls;h at 9 cent during the bj.' Oar city was the aoene of considerable gaiety last night. There were several ball? Ia various localities, asl several pri- vate. For tho Relief and Emplcymeat Issoaietion are to be hanied in to Chas. Tilden, sq, treasurer, at the Bank of Liuisville. RESTAURANTS, &C.
Charles, Merchants' EieKangt tfvrid by.Ifjia ami Market ) '.' (a building a IsUlv mh I,T IS UNDERSIGNED WOULD call the atl'ntion of their friends nd the nails in gersrii! To thflact th l tr;ey havs this day 0(ened tlsesr KsiaL-ratrand Dining Saloon, which key are determined shv uot be surpsed by any iu the (under care of our 11 r.
Uf ltufiT, who WiJ derote his a.ieation eaclasively to dprtxegil srtli nt ai! T iujh be supptiej with every delicacy ia rasnn rn out ef?ei'ij, wh'a w.ii be serTtd up ly that prince of eioiia, 'v.d liui,' in a peonhar f in owa T'ie Bir (uuiler charge of our Mr.Meyer U e of Wa!e'sj w il be cotktantly L toppl ed wiih the choicest.: Cordials, tht nle ate. 1 tTivtte psrjes can be furbished with Dinners and t pe- in private parlors in the houe. Private par.e- s abroad can alto be with every dcliraey wli.eh i to be procured. We a determine 1 to epar? Nv effort r.i.r peae; '.o 'ease, ard hee- i.y n emitting eitrti(,n,:o merit a thare of the pub lie (atro age, which has been so l.b bestowed upon us htrVofore in cur different d St pcs:t:ons. KUKiKKS: MKVr.E.
WALRLH'S RESTAURANT. EXCHANGE SAA 'DUM VI VIM US YIVAMUS.' PRINCESS BAY IX BARRELS rieh in a 'bstenee and aa Oysters (in the she'.l), as anv Oysters ertr frash en son a- a Urbase. Frcm tbe prsirus 9ne Fish and ULe-; Puekwht.
From tr.a Ke; stone t: Docks, from Ma e; fat '1 sarkays, blurxrars Bawf, old Buuracn, atd. O:r.r-sui:iTtJSA ar r JT'.UaSjaunrr 'urg,.1 W aHralM CaWajlM at uu delieate lu v cie; lior aeMr Ja, snlflyi rnUS. Idai cj?ot3 Wholesale Oyster lfi!ET' NO. 18 THIRD Mfl'WUaVa ilw AND MRKET. TUB ONLY HOUSE SHIP- 'j','.
J,ng diraet frea BaltieD?r ta I oa t? Ia:i toi page, ay talsjsjs v.' .- press aiarriving lvrUjj7 stOe.stfi.tin Dat4s t. Tiaae of sa sHk U. Rs, hours fom tha cans anukei,froaa ill tke as at eelMwM oiaM en the Cheapsake kay; ao, fram faj h.veo., iu kegs, by JCITBBaU, rtcmtOo. Zgeat for Macn tnd Kowe.
pss-n- Frederick y Eo6ta The Pearl Restaurant. Eg' The distinguished Unguis', Eiihu Barritt, is delivering lectures in Cincinnati. The supiriorlty of Amoiican Inventive genius, not only over that of our English progenitors, but indeed of all othor nations, has becomo too tangible to he disputed.
It waa notorious at the World's Kail in London, tha; the American fm outstripped all others in the useful inventions which they sappli4. We beat tho English in vexei?, railroads, telegraphs, and manufacture by power. We ara beating them in the asalaaSlMa arts of Chemistry and Medicine, as we have leng beat the ret of mankind. A new and practical is shown in the fact that proof of this assorti.' -the prinr.pi!
Of the allied armies of the East are turn! 'bed from the laboratory of our own an try men.
Ayer, of Lawell, Is filling orders for immense qiantities of his Cherry Pec coral and Cathartio Pill, fcr both tbe land and;ea forces in Turkey. His medicines have been tried and approved by tioae ia power wko have found them the nusf reliab e which they could procure for tbe ez'genoies in which they are to be T Y. Nintty-six-, Third street, GaiAT ExciTaMSNT. Is crowded from morning till nigbt. Everybody teems to be intent on buying Porter's Oriental Life Liniment. Everybody uaea it, and everybody tikes and tells tbeir neighbors abut it. Conse quently the demand is tremendous and ooastaatij increasing.
Lg Wd-10rd English Manual Free
Beaidea the immense amount sold at wholesale to the trade, tbe retail sales, at the principal depot, in this city,average three hundred bottles per day. A whole ream of paper would aot contain the certificates voluntarily offered in its favor. For the cure of frost bites, chilblains, and chapped hand, Unconsidered infallible by those who have used dc30 me&wtf. PaiSERVi tour Hair. A fine head of hair is rei places cool i undoubtedly one of the chief beauties eitboro p v s an, man or woman, but especially of the latter. To and ordtr-he kttrr.oslsietiese, ie s of the frost persons desirous of obtaining or retaining this ttv of the feast, charming feature, we recomtnord a call upon rrot. Is, let Ui year.
Or preserving tbe hair, or promoting iu Wood. Completed 1 sbsjsb.or growth, no other article ha gained such a reputaas bis Hair Toaio. Its cfS:iey is so well es tion ady, aa a piece, is full of tablished that no doubt can exist as to its merits, sr, aad tks her wai aaeai a d we advise all who need its servioe to give ita trial. Limt Jpsaaawaaf Aetc. W cannot men asWn points he made, bat sum Excilsiob. Perhaps no preparation, or tonie natural throughout tbe for the restoration and preservation of tbo bair, has ever been used wi;h suooess equal to teat of.
Wood's Hair Reatorative.' In the prcduo- will appear m the Irk remedy Pfof Wood of mtte. Miii, aaw ansa svuigram, ana tDW vmni-duriaJly benefitted the hum.n family, while he hss world-wide aad ht takes bis benefit in tbe added additional laurels to his already It never fails to restore hair to tho its Horse of tie Peppers, reputation. Prematurely bald, and cause the silvery locka cf aad the Toadies.
Epeak for kirn crowded the hoary-heade- d to resume their original col r, bjth aigkU. To be had at 114 Market street. Louis Morning Herald.
$STFor saleia Louisville by ail the druggists. We learn from a d27 deodAweowlmo 1 that L. Howard, Esq., I another at a gentleman of buain tact and pleasing eooia1 AND tteaara raaalf U day wit LATEST BT TELEGRAPH.
In the popular house in iurkee, Heath A I street, beta n Market atd Jtffaraon. CiaciioiaTi, Dee. Ran U t eatablishmeat still more The river has fallen 6 inches aince last evening, Tha Is now snowing.
Howard authorises us weather is cool and it faiaaasaa, if possib.a cents cf tic teaaon to his,e them that he mav be found ENGLISH BISCUITS. WE HAVE frienda. And to aa SSi just reeasve a aaeply of Heat ar ft PaJas '; usinasj; jnn Hal.
Her 'in B'tcaiSa. It oc si ead.aa ' J.T LAstfiAM ft CO.,.vahy d asawtaale. ' aaortera of Teas fta., Third street N B. Ole b,enu for tha aaaaafaetarara ef the bove mac sits a tha States a aeataeky. Indiana vould oaLl atua'ioa to tbe nd Okie. Davall, is oar adrartisiaf V iegai I Vinegar 1 s wiU to aee.
37 at partaar, Mr. Davall, eon- si iVX Tktrdat eet, LoalevUto, Ry, naaataaWareve el heretofore, having aaajoei-TarnDaalera aaaeuad ' iaeiaaaU aeieea. warra-UdassaM C. Davall, all geatlemea of Holla). Ad wall known in mercantile taBSCRIBERt TO M.
Stock litfcft Maaeai a Temple gf( paKTseahaau sn of O. Dsjwall A 0b. The tha Ust lasaaf sttii raato sail ai ear S5oe aad war ueMrUBeates a oca tin aa ace of take litorai sat -.
Aa v eatte&ded. CORNER OF FOURTH For Temiht and ineiiht-Urn- SMITH, 'mi- THE AND GREEN SsTS. 'V Si F i Orlff or ramer Ni'W n i b tiEN.
Will leave t bove on This ska, l i i.t.st i V.ririgh: cr paaage apply board or t e ociad 1' O. Ifjri reigi tae hue and R. ' apicn-lio- i J. Vill WAK Thursday, 1st m.t, at 4 For fre ight or paas age a p p i y S n board or an. A i he hue VI Kill' MA,::eT both in matter and manne. Duke Assure, Spanish Eavoy Es racrdiEary io WiUMMVr a.bOTd Friday,v, J ils:.
At 4 r Forfreign; r p a 'sa i a o. Lviari Ru'tia, arrived at Petersburg Dec.
UJ Navigation of tho Baltic on the U'.h r tu0 tc-r aJfsZZjw' of Dec. B Ml I (A, Doo snf-Tw. R The of tbe Peace Ccrgrers at Will leave at bOTe Thcrsdiy, 1;.as:, a Fitis was definitely fixed for the 21st of Deo. It i'drmight oi vaiaagcavvo vnboarui C. W,-.s believed that the difficulties ooncerning the p.MM, Be w hie of Sarponts and Belgrade would be arranged JkiTae Wkuiouaiiu, rAVaTI L'JLl ITT. L The quarrel between Spaia and Prusia has wm leave iu,neabov?
And muimiuiAic, the d inataLt, n now goto so far that it wu fenred the next For freigh.r p,gge oPl ly board r step would be tothecommeaeemant of open hosV. Mi Pattern, N. A destructive fire occurred la?t night on Main F'T iVahvi!le nod Kara street, burning four sVres with all tneircontenta j tJT' s - - ' ' IN EltCUAN'f They were occut ied by dealers in dry goods and ive This day, 1st u fancy articles, numboting abut a desen tenaata, r.r ir.atsaae f or i ana a unmoor of buildings in the vicinity were daiioi.s), app.y on ecara lavi.
Te ap,eJ Mc also damaged. Loss about $50,000. The princi- pal surTore- are Mtssrs. Vandervoort aad Sayder t ae spiecuid cteamer nd A. Stoutenb.ueb, dry foods dealer: Y.' W ' ' Tuniboc'a drv saaawla store: Mr. Kirk' ssakaw.
Igtitor y 'a- aii)iy on award Allen, tobacconist; Jas. D ion, confect; Mr.
It Kelley, variety store, ard Messrs. Beam k Taylor, V.
Shoe dealers. Fill: x.- r 'ajTne aftasro' i St.Louis, Dec. SL U.Mil lllKS. Th legislature crgmiied permantntly vtster-dar sumption ut uviaaucn W. ) chore n r3ecreta-r- y r I'jssige appiy on of the Senate.
Roert Harrison, (D- a i. 3d Whig), Speaker. Ia tbe House the Bentcnite. Acd Americans fused with the opposition Dsitr-era'- s. For Exstjort Tuscutnbia A Davis, the late Superintendent f the Public Sohool?, wasarrcsted for forgeries on variW.li if above 8ntnrday,3l inani banking bouses at St. Ous periooa to Furireigat r pujsagtappiy ou boar ihsj amount of $12,000. The school funis are tafe.
Te splendid s' Nkw Yobk, Dw. YOHKTC ins; Jnst befcro tbe Fuiton left a despatch was I ill irve as abOTe Tnls diy, nart. Was telegraphed from Bordeaux, stating that tbe ir ui City t on bo JJorfrtigh'.or passageapply rumored arrival of the passengen 0f the Lyon-aais- e -i was untru. N A Journal published at Villa Clara, Cuba,sta'es r ziT'Jr that Don '. Iate and wife, together with v m itiwiniaariaaa Hill ItfVt s aooveon Frida several other passengers t.f the sreimer Lyon-naisi'run City 1 were picked up by a British vessel bound For freigiuorpa3sake apply tc J amaica. L Milan, Ohio, Dec. Merry and Gay, ship builder's buildings, conFor C tiro, tiii Kiin'u anil sisting of gri?t and saw mills ant and K aillTBaThe sp'.etdid steam w block factory burned at tWj o'clock yesttrday morning.
Supposed to be tne work of an incen-diirV.v.-:5 above on This day, 1st n 'Me'ry' Gay's lost $'.2,000 or $15,000. Fvrireigi.; r passageappiy on boat Vukee k Skiajuer's blcck factory about $5,000. No itiurarco. I ne nn gtinai- r New Tonx, Dee. Iove i u l 'hn d ty, is. , l A special di?ateh in the New Vurk Tribune r:o-i'orilvnd.
Says: 'I hare reliable information from New OrFor freight or passage apply unboar leans that wi:hin a few dtys thare have been seNo: rious trouble smg tbe 'laves in L jU'an, and vuy; ij Dfrroes nave Ner, r:. But ha JpiecQHl aasjawhar wTTl.:,!t,T TVa day. Tioa ot tne ittovjs,'. J jU l.uard or t stut paaaage t r l The brigBecuty has arrived hero, iler sjiaplau reports tbat on her outward t as?je a boat wa? Arkaua aaftTi iiht-drfcu'ricked up crntiinin a ctsk of water r.nd a life rt. KANti buoy marked ' Lycnni'?'
TogetLar wiibawhitc slaasaMMC fill i. joot or TbarsdA,. Shirt and a n&e cambric bandkerc'aief cd 1 r.-Ousrj.
I Sc Cavb Island, Dee. Thesteansr Kangaroo, fn.m Liverpooi, is nw ue ItckaVatiMthi atee TfcaJartl asT cmiag and will probably rmca Pnilad?ihia HIC'KM' Will Iftvr a above on T? I: Sat this evening, unleM t.re anted by ice. Or eeweSSaJS h v ng uujur aaoditivns), apply on boaruor'.o N'rw Havix.
Tho morning New Vork train came in with a wegon near Milford, billing Wm. Keloy, For Mi Hud Carr aed fatally trjuring Gilbert NetUeton.
Both be( KMUIaAl PACK. I' Theiliht-Urauupaa longing to Mitlord. WnsiLiyo, Dec.
Lg Wd-10rd English Manual 2017
Will levra Above on etry Tues Tho erg'ze of the fre.gbt tra.n on the Cen ra! An1 Hatur'ay, at 1 r. Ohio road exploded thi aft. Moon, killing the S'orfrenr.tor paasage apply oaboar CAKTKtl engineer and brakeic&r.
W II Iwave as above n rrr.iit Gig.- t - Irs AJ THE riLinatir taa Ulk ii rtsci? L,VL.I mi.jaiiT, iatinii 'erisdy. Eiy ev on 60 cet. Tx: kilSal a 'ctechelea c i iur i. HE Sa'e of a 11 sf.' L; sj.8.1 FE1DAT f a. Tl ILL OB Til th.sjsjs cr-taveia a sata eai, asaas c l wui ali sum NT I f'r 5.,aTh) i, undersigned have fit- p an alegar t Restaurant, where gentlemen T Boston, De?
LiEQL'LAR Louisville and The sieam- r Canada left at noon with M-ted PACKET t ran be supplied at afcoK ateiesj with.11 the dr!i-aiener y f sv uuu m specie. Tr at er MAI of th? We are ' daily raeeipt of Shall U 4 aor.LcaoT, aster.wi:l aUweWtug and ether liuck, Jr uae.vt tera J lie.'
Sic aareajaswal rai at all hoan.andfamliieasup-clie-at VIRGINIA AND L.W. AT& rega.ar Ola Aiahsas, ar sao and 0stera, with asL eiSFW-FKentucky Manfactnred Tobaaco for tSiruhout Iha ifeai n low pneeu. Ho Maia streot, between rorfteiatitorpajgageapp.y a ee as XT' Luna froea 16 to 1 o aloek -h day.
Tov-Ma and i t.' I KkLLEK tt dBKST noMC'f no doa too botes rounds; m. Ii A; ie 43 Fires; 4A d) M A NEW ENTERPRISE!! Do K.cnia; XTKAClsi. ALAKOt d i Tens. Del dsn I'jlHLl 3 Wif rel W E A LK. AND pOTATUKa'.fui 4d CASKS St Co Sloan's Dining Saloon.
OF OUK M ANT often expressed ariKsruni-s? That do lU ics sboald be eetaonsaed indesireuuvii.e,anmore de2 de c00 L uu t speeialiy I'.T tne 'JriTnit nee oi iau. Etidants The subsar:r has asada ample aragr- i;es aitnta to supp'y tnis wa-aaa ia i euers- oin lipoistiuc tree. Ajd at aiaaai icn.in, l'l'iereafer Bix'.h.
Gasc- and ail the ean Filth ai.d taniials aod dalioaeies tr tea Baraat.wniaa wm cm rved up in tea very ae.at style. CiT' Saloon a an frosaU', A. MTMt aakarr ai.d sori'aancn.rv will a l.9pt snp- plied with tha lreaheet aee ai artalas in those am i.vJ- i noli- i uuati 'C. Maltby haaapeakc Bay. Re'.nn on the JOHN A. AS- larOrentof drv Pine Lumber. Roniwi si na clear.
And third rates, and common White and Yellow secocd Ine rlooring. TLicgles, ueaar roaia, ana fencing n?carUs,;- tr:r:.' N.auiji(Ti W. Corner Green and tlarovnellata Idftv COAL! HE SUBSCRIBER, THANKFUL for the patronage extended te bin by hia friends informs them and tha pablic generally, Con) Yard and Office, ou the he hi inst otend a cornerof Fifth and Green streets, whers, by strict atten-.
C,1 nnnrtni iiv. Ne sun nones to recaive a incrai i share of public patronage. He keeps constantly. Handle est;auly oi t.uurg jh; luaamngusuy reepa tha beat rtttsnarg isnv uoai.nenverea xo any some patef thecity for nine cents per boshel;asedby teaia. Of the Brat familie?: nonebettarfor Beneralirig Aiso.TneeoB narKetatoetwacnria'.caiju R.P.1.RK7.PR iaai'tf WE have oa hind a aapply of rery ckeiee Biaal aad Graaa Taaa. Ror aaie tr J. LAN HAM at CO.
Importers of Teas, fee., Third atraet. 4 LARGE LOT OF FANCY AND Market Baakete at aa? Afk R A NG ARDRRBOtffl. 10 BKLS FINE last reaMd and for sale byst feo A:i ES aweet Orangea, 1IB. Aaaerrd d: ft,man OandlaSi an Mghta; do 100 Pin Wh-e-: a j:riaasiea, 10S,QM Torpedoes, Ae.f jo fena' SSThira aiaea; de de; 13 A.
C eajs 750 BAGS adsae He Ovffee ta state and for ' for an- sa'a y 1 7 BRO ltaT. ' EOXL S BOXES A BRO. CORNWALL PPlTfes em I 10 RFD AND LEMONS BOXES. Bxa Laver R;ir.e; da; si R. Eo; le to H U bxs Su.t.aa do; Just received aad lor aala by so do 23 da fitUNDRIES.
S.; t S 4 C CCU, kU Mo b'ia U. T nd rat do ottn.re. 1 Craaaerriea, la etoreand t Sd7 Market street. OeB M TOHAl xea J.ai- a. WU do J- ha Jena do Jon-Hu a AW JJtenesw In stow andfersale by 31 YARNS, CiOl TON Coiton Varna; AC.
0 bags Twine; do Carpet Chain; for aali ad C cr bags prime R o Coffae; do Jara do; Lagaavra Coffse; do In atore aad laading from mall boat aa. UBBIKU del7 ' wi STARCH IN for sale li B ALEH resa vad per Ct 7 ROB Mayawillo fc BLT.
TaTTTf TTK A mJO BtA.S SUGAR. HAVANA and f'r sale bv 2i BOXES 11 jnat received BLANCAGN1KL MOOBR ft MURRAY, Third at.between Maia and Water. 1S4) BA LFfcJ COTTON SLW BatUngreeairad par steaaaeir laei and far ai IT IN ft Rl.Y.
Fdeldl by ATTING. Tf 20 HHDS CHOICE 8U-AiJUGAR 3 gar (new crop) Jnat raeeivad par steamer David nrvii. M tn A ivnuwar srrnivtl UGAft. 90 BHDS BuUadlcf MjWoodf'ird ani for da) 1 iOLASSFS. Bb'.s prime 140 ruota'.lea aaie rn. V.w ty new er0p; eo Sugarhoese, do; as Landing per Bir.:e4 afi A N'DRBW BITCH AN A ar CO.
IS bbls t 0 THE:Z rvanbevriee: new Hams and 8r solders: extra VU.ar: in store aad for aa a by HIBBITT ft BOH.esWMejrtetat. RT aad AIM m N7NOL1SH BI&Cll MX of Hnn'ley Palmer's a ny ibt wiaaai45.il J. A RIO M ilsi A r' COFFEE. PL P8 I.4 a Third at-' Mil 0O 190 AGS RIO fti?3oan ia store and fcr sale by CUM, j ALL ft 1RO- TARNH, COTTON OoWob Tirai Til e MS do Carpet Than. M do Oottoa Twln,a. De oo CaaaUeWta, lit ROCK tOCOA, BROMA, A? Rr ajrwRaeeyoeraa ae'oty; tsrrr-cus- d ft aeeft, k s) ft gi'a,and tar aa a tha r OO-HOCO- M voiiraClwc-'laseXe.
1 IT, 41 WA - n V lfo'J dt V V rv a.A RA PrtmlO Ras'a or th a hasev tancy a i aessai Ber's 10 IB Jncui.' BiTls L&piwS LATB -T- teesrlvad this day Cocoa;;1 xea Broaa, do U Mseara. FjJJSilK - 'nh at In atera aad for sale by it.
A I aValT l.i H PN ' sssaeta X J THE. BaaOl Carp' Ciaii: i'in!;tWitk; tue An do Co. Rv-i.- do nol9 ASUPFKTOR BUTTER. RoU of tba Cotton Yarsa. And Cotton Twine: 60 bags Cotton 1 arris, assorted l 75 TO Fadrtot HAVE RECEI aNosa factory 7E - icks et fresh uraalahw r k FRI3HFIGS iiOTTON. Ne.wTatra A!Sama C '.'
.th by dala laid del 11 F FEB. 1 utfitT sCafk BBLS EXTRA FLOUR, FAIR- t atatly on hand erand, In atere aad far sale by aell la RU1N1A RECEIVED, 25 JUST a do d; bales Cvtiju Twioe: In st'rs J 'UN r.
HOB ti by f 7. BOX al4 ftf.tiety,J TARCH Rg! I SO 0 PRUMS A.n l red C do bas white bal.s Candle Wicc; '5 de p o ealTekaass ia ri H; ecu.
ITOK WHEAT FLOUR Peaas Waaia to arrlva anal ' CO a. Just reeeived aa fcr ac a! XADHCX A iMlT eol fsj Bo!
And 'or sale low V do de2i 50 B APPLES pins titCloahyJust receive iTA 2 0 hag3 150 DOZ L Justreseiveaaadfar aaiaby a. HURia, oeji FAIR TO Wi'ru J9 sale U w WMWaaO.
TuU- i STRCH. OX S - a bv BLANCAGNIIL, SSOuBs, ft MCRRAT Sal - TbeabeTe are now in use aaa a gooc barrels per day. R M1LV Ma., r nnl? Gal'oa and htlf gallon cans, re ceiTM per North.raar aadfor mrr k BO!, j gtare X fOMl Bait Starch for sale by PEACHES. Mat we aty iu.
81 RICTLY isnioaa: S lel0Wby FRESH F ICS (ui,ly aae. I Rccufyiif Third Hires, between Maia aaa) wratwi TARCH FOR CHRISTMAS. RAISINS, 5 Cltma, Cranberries, Vies, lardlne rtrandy, Fruit. Pieklea, Ae., fte ia str,r ard for HIBVIT r ft 80 N alebv ajt Market. BLANcadnirl, 4 aa) at HIV ltJ xT M.
Preasly f my'i BauBBAY. S m In alcre and for aala by s crsi) EMONS.
LUMBER LARGE AND COMPLETE EXTRA FINE TEAS. LATKI 3iODOZBKUUM-',VA-r!o- u ualit:es, J st 'eceieed arH for s!e by NOCR, W1CK8 a COTimel topy. Del 11, 1 BUCKETS. COAL & LUMBER. R SOXES Hrll UGK. Jnt recaiaae jr.me Has ir IN CAN'S AND KEGS, From a!! Tbe most aelebratad Fiahlng t:rre.- Sc 50 etarch fcr.rd - v flft BMi PRIME Cofaa in store aad for sale to the trade.
7HLSPI W t bra inega- Balloa'a o.afr afUr FEE eiT - s lebv taara nd frPOP! Nrl8HlNO TO IN LA WaLLACK ww Rat.' Fv business, e rfer tlty nanel K gjisar, NESI3 TLBS JUST v.'
Fjirg i'tj, i 4i FRESH OYSTERS, orii It BRO. Received aeu for sale ty Bl.aNO A(s N tRL, MOORE del Cfr OYSTER THIRD ST., BUT.
H t IN AND MARSKT Reeeiring Daily, per Adama Eapreaa, 1 'I dart REPOSITORY! SO.3 el PUBS.
J-Soap; do forsaiebv CO tNW.LL 15 and MR Rii;ins WHOLESALE fQ I R AISIN8. BK ' BsjTSSJSkB eat- k'.TA WEATHER. I WE a'- -s CARPETING3. Ana-liarelTSi;T ipeiry and Hru.se!s. Trail ft super of Beotca and siLglisa; all ties, cotton uoain ana Hemp carpeting, very e CURTAIN GOODS. Lace Curtains, of all qualities; Satin,Worete CoUoaDamaska sold at joobera' prices ia flew LINEN UOODS. Alargeaaaorttnent of ev.ry var-etof thos in ported by ourseiTes.and svld aa percent, awl other dealers in tnis city.
MUSQUITO NETTINGS Of all kinds. All kinda or Dry Uoods kept see on hand at the lorei cash prices, and at n UUUkNK,tiXtAi'iiStCu.,lu7?ourf at jySldtfhsbe 1st.
Lg Wd-10rd English Manual 2016
Market nd Je:i Wheat is decMninSt,( bunhels sold. Corn M i!ano, v ho recently attempted to assassiaate deciiainf;,00'.i bushels sell. 3rocenes I he martei f groceries is without impor the bur g of Naples, baa been hung. Aaaeyas The marriage of Prince Fredorik of Prussia The mattet for mess port is stciJv. With the Princess ProviPiun Ryal of England has been filed Beef firm Lard dull. Wbiswv iiaxitei fcr wMky is lower, withssles of for the 21u of November bbis ni nc The Linden Times pronounce the rnesstaaje of President Pieree as on the who.e eonciiiatcry, Reynold's pork and slaughter hoaco, in Peoria, Illinois, waj destroyed by fire oa the night sf the 23:h inrt.
Loss $10,000. Partially f M. Crack simulateur de conduite 3d torrent 2. Cleveland and Toledo ft.
74K; MichigaD CeotrMi BrieiJ4; Oanaanc Chico Kuck lslard 9i; IlliW. Hilwaukie '.i; Ohieagd 17; Mlcl.icaii nois CeatralUJi; feiDsylva&ia Coal Co.
Vncs Central fthReading btiv; Virginia ilissouh fV at'; Cleveland It l'i'.utairK o; Clovfa'id. Columbus, and 10!; lielaware and Hud son Canal 1J0; tnd t'4 &ij Tenn. 6's Ste; lllinoit Central ' s W96, Csaua L Col. E the declaration of war. The British have taken the Islands of Ormus aad Kirack. The Russians have retaken Songiouk Kaleh after a refinance by the Circassians.
Second DisrATca. The' steamer Washington touched at Southampton oa the 14th, en route for Bremen. The steamer Hermann pat ba;k to Southampton on the 14th, with a broken shaft. Her mails and paaaeigera were tranif erred to the Fulton. The Arctic ship Resolute, at Cowes, bad been vnited by Qteen Victoria accompanied by the roval family, the American Consul, the American offioers in port, and a large number of disiioguiah- ii ma American tatoer. Wno went out on tho Resolute hive been invited to the Q Jeen's pa:Ae Isle of Wight.
Several mail steamers from Liverpool an3 9cathamptoa bad pat back, damaged during rr-eviolent gxies, wnioa aaa bjen very diitruo after THE SPECIAL WE INVITE TELEGSAFH BASKETS. Editob, Pro Tsmporb. Oar distinguished friend Col. Stapp is filliag the editorial hair of the Time in the temporary absence o; Commencing the Yiar Loose.
Huffmia was relaaeed from the work-houon bail. OtTa the was BIVER istia?trg STEAMB0A1 And House rurniahmg$ood H. Yn LiT.oavjOK. Party to a ARRIVAL OP THE FCLT05. Kiw Vobk, Dw. The steamship Fulton haa arrived, bringing e to the dates from Havre and Southampton to the 17th. TOBACCO Thi no sale at the Warehoue to report MAMTK ACTL'RBI) 10BACCO - Otv a!emnd it aaesletasa.
An.t- nt tt Wbvxea Vir- Deo. Brook & Sou's fcth at also sales ginia at f.v-. The steamship Hermann, which sailed from OUOCKRIEB Miiket Ks actit-ISusr sales of Southampton Dec.
31, for New York, had put S.O. T lll,c Ciffee- s'l ) of ofcsllioat IIMo, back to high prices Southampton, darni,;- -.? Und small ikies of Jar. CARPETING, KUGS, MAT, FLOUrtvij checked Bale el tiabis sugar uouse have; The stem&hip trom Boston, arrived at BLE OILCLOTHS, CURTAIN atl-rUntat.uD All apeea'ation teclised.
KLOCit 8lsa by the Liverpool on iSanday, the 14 h. AND CURTAIN FIXTURES, 60; The City of Washington, from Philadelphia, ardray luad from ctv scill at 9s mo.-t Jaodern tnuprut alsaVlaj Of Stt; fishet's Mils l xtra t S 7a.
2 braids at i rived at Liverpool on the HJ.Wh KAT- -1 n f tod demaad, wld sa'.es of!,! Bush There is nothing cor Crmatory of the arrival of a els red m at 10 of ttaamboat owe ers and, heasssa FK'VIhIO'8 Matket continl's uiet, withtsJee a portion of thepssngors of the French steamer era to our iuaene stjeit or tae aoore got cf 800 l.t miH pork st SJM fiiri 9 tcs prime leaf Ltonnaise at Brdems.
We keen constan'.iy in surriv the kaaaaMS a lard at levet 6 tcs prime at p t; at' tcs kettle rendered Hostilities are threatened betweea Spaia and and most extensive variei of acv house out of lard at pt; Si kes prime at Vork, aad plojge ourse;ea to sell anythi&g it si; chJbteo; note in otser articles. Per cent, leaa tuau any other houae In stock Persia formally acoepu Eaglish 'ft Lon able Poem. All Aboivd: TELlOllAPHia.
Dcvocrat,) belaf a holiday s8l'ontnr8 are I itAatit, i'a Mmmm.