Installing Pear On Os X
. Once its downloaded, use the following command to install it. Php -d detectunicode=0 go-pear.phar. Now wait for process to start and when you see beginning installation. Once installation is completed, now you have to add pear to your shell path.
Use the following command. Cd nano.bashprofile. Air rifle printable targets.
Clean Install Os X
Installing Pear On Os X Mac
Use the following command to add to your path. /Users/USERNAME/pear/bin. After adding the path you’ll following line in result. Export PATH=”/usr/local/mysql/bin:/Users/USERNAME/pear/share/pear/:$PATH”. Now you have to refresh the file and check pear version.
Source.bashprofile pear version Now that Pear is installed on your OSX El Capitan, lets add the Pear path to your PHP install. First let us locate PHP on your OSX. Type the following command. Php –ini.
Installing Pear On Os X 11
Once you got the path, now all you have to do is add into php.ini file. Includepath = “.:/Users/YOURUSERNAME/pear/share/pear/”. Now to check pear packages list. Pear list All done.